Pied de Mouton

Pied de Mouton (also known as the Hedgehog mushroom), named for their tooth-like spines under the cap, are prized for their unique flavor. They have a sweet, nutty, and slightly peppery taste, making them a favorite in sautés, omelets, soups, and sauces. Foragers value hedgehog mushrooms, found in hardwood forests during late summer and early fall.

Pied de Mouton (also known as the Hedgehog mushroom), named for their tooth-like spines under the cap, are prized for their unique flavor. They have a sweet, nutty, and slightly peppery taste, making them a favorite in sautés, omelets, soups, and sauces. Foragers value hedgehog mushrooms, found in hardwood forests during late summer and early fall.

Mushrooms to avoid

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